10 Cent Superfecta Strategy

15 min readMay 3, 2021

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Superfecta Box Cost Calculation: (Number of horses) x (Number of horses — 1) x (Number of horses — 2) x (Number of horses — 3) x (Cost per combination) A 4 horse Superfecta Box means there are 24 possible finishing combinations. Your bet will cost $24, $1 per combination. If a track offers a 10-cent superfecta, you can play 20 different combinations for a $2 wager. Soccer gambling rules. Obviously, that gives you more chances to win. Of course, the payout is then divided by 20 as well. In other words, if a superfecta bet were to pay off $200 at full price, it would only pay off at $10 ($200 divided by 20) at the 10-cent level.

  1. What Is A 10 Cent Superfecta
  2. 10 Cent Superfecta Strategy
  3. 10 Cent Superfecta Betting Strategy
  4. 10 Cent Superfecta Strategy

“Secret Horse Betting System That The Pro’s
Don’t Want You To Know About.. Because They Don’t
Want Another Guy Splitting The Winnings!”

Generate Your Own Profitable Horse Plays
Within 24 Hours.. Even If You’ve Never Bet Superfectas Before

From the Desk of Joey Scags
Dear Frustrated Horse Player,

In the 5 or so minutes it takes to read this letter, I will show you how to make more winning bets that 99.7% of the people that ever come out to the track..
I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know your exact circumstances:

  • Maybe you’re a high-level bettor who has been playing the horses for years. You do well and win lots of bets, But you realize that you need to have a strategy for betting Superfectas because without the upside from exotic bets you will just be grinding out a living but never making any real progress long term..
  • Or maybe you’re a complete newbie looking to learn how to bet at the track. You are looking for REAL info on how all this works! Maybe you’re going to thr track for the first time soon or you recently went and got hooked.. Either way, everything looks so confusing that you thought that the internet would be the best place to learn the fundamentals..
  • Then again, you could just be a frustrated ‘Average Joe’ like I was. You love betting horses. You pay attention to it and try to learn the angles — and you’re looking for a legitimate way to make some extra dough. As a matter of fact, your dream would be to do this fulltime. But you have never been able to connect all the dots and turn your knowledge into a consistent winning system..

Whatever your situation, there is a solution.
I realize that all this may seem ‘too good to be true,’ but I promise you it works just like I’m describing it .. I know, because I’m living proof of it.

‘I hit 2 Supers on friday. I won just over $1800, so it works!’

“I bought your system, I hit 2 supers on friday. I won just over $1800.00 so it works! but did you say I can have the updates
for free? and how do I do that? Thanks a million.. well..
Thanks at least $1800.00..”
Dave H.

Around The Track Call Me Joey Scags
And I Am ‘That Guy’..

Chances are you’ve never heard of me.

You see, I have never been comfortable in the spotlight and have purposely remained ‘underground’ for the better part of my career.

I don’t write books..

I don’t try to get on TV, and..

I don’t go from city to city doing ‘dog and pony shows’ so I can sell overpriced, piece-of-crap, blinking-light, ‘black box’ software that supposedly shows you how to bet on the races.

I’m a player..first and foremost. Horse Betting is what I love, and betting is what I DO.

But that wasn’t always the case..

Here’s The ‘Back Story’ Behind
The 10 Cent Superfecta Supersystem

I played the horses for years.. Winning some and losing some.

I knew that there was some way of making this thing work consistently but I hadn’t found it.

I got good at handicapping races. Figuring out which horses were well meant became easier for me — although still not easy by any means. As I got better at capping, I started cashing some tickets. But there was a problem.

I would give back my winnings any time I hit a losing streak.

It seemed like bad luck would come along and erase all the hard work I had put in..

I felt like I was a better horse player than most. I was doing work handicapping the races and I was betting on very safe situations but in the long run I had to finally admit it.

For all my extra effort and knowledge I wasn’t winning.

If you’re not winning, you’re losing.. Its as simple as that. I was losing and very frustrated to boot. It seemed like the guys who just hit the track on a whim were doing just as good as me. That’s not a good feeling. I knew that there was a way to win at horse racing though.

I knew certain guys who were consistently doing just that — winning.

So, one day out of pure luck I happened to meet an old fellow named ‘John’. He had been at it for longer than I’ve been alive. We hit it off.

He told me lots of cool old stories.

He also gave me the advice that turned everything around for me. He said,

‘Kid, It’s not just about picking horses.. Its about making WINNING PLAYS..’

At first it didn’t really sink in for me. I just agreed and went about my normal business and played my races.

It wasn’t until later that night that I started to realy think about what he said.

‘Is he saying that I am betting wrong?’ I asked myself. It is one of those things you hear but never think deeper about. Once I started thinking deeply about what he meant, I became convinced that he knew something I didn’t.

So the next week at the track, I asked him what he was talking about and he explained that I would never get ahead by just making straight wagers (often on favorites) like I was doing. He said I needed to start betting exotics as well — specifically Superfectas. ‘The Superfecta is the best bet at the track’ he said.

This was news to me. I always thought the exotics were sucker bets like parlays in football or betting the lottery.

John went on to explain that this wasn’t true and that if structured properly, Superfectas offer the nicest returns on investment of any bet at the track.

John then went on to share his system for structuring winning plays with me. So, I studied it for a couple weeks and then finally pulled the trigger. You’ll never believe what happened..

I Won $2800 My First Try With The Superfecta System

I went to the track, placed two superfecta bets and hit one!

It was the craziest thing you ever saw. I was so excited and nervous at the same time! It was like I hit the lottery and won the superbowl at once!!! I will say this, the satisfaction that you get from picking a win, place or show is nice.. But its not even on the same PLANET as the feeling you get when you hit a superfecta!

I went to John and thanked him over and over again.. I kept telling him..It Actually Worked!

‘I didn’t mention a $387 winner.. a few smaller winners as I learned the system..’

“yes, since this is the real thing. at least for me. I would be willing to do a testimonial. And I didn’t mention a $387 winner. afew smaller winners. as I learned how to apply this system,.
Your book is a blessing to me. Thank you so much.
Jocelyn M.

So, we spent a while celebrating and chatting some more about it all. He dropped a few more nuggets of wisom on me as we spent that time. As you can imagine, I was very thankful that I had actually met John a couple weeks earlier.

Later that night though, after the excitement had worn off, I started to have doubts. I started to wonder if I had really ‘found’ something or not. I mean after all, I had only hit one Superfecta. So in my head I started to think..

Maybe You Just Got Lucky

Who knows? Maybe it was a fluke, right? It’s possible.So here’s what happened next..When I originally decided to try John’s system, I made the choice to only try it at a track that I already knew a lot of the angles.This took out a lot of variables ..so I had much less handicapping work to do to figure out what was happening in the races I bet.Now it was time to answer the question that was bugging me ..


So I decided to try and hit a superfecta at a different track ..and see if I could do it all over again.And this time I was really worried. You’d think I’d have a little confidence after the first time doing so well, but I didn’t.

Here’s why:

  • I was trying to use the system at a track that I wasn’t that familiar with
  • All the familiar angles at my track weren’t readily available to me
  • I had to dig it all out just like anybody coming to the track for the first time

So, I went at this completely from scratch and picked my races and bets.. And once again, my fears were unfounded because

I Won $1100 My Bext Time Out!

And just like the first time, I had to go find John and thank him profusely for what he had shared with me. It would have been easy for him to never tell me what he knew and leave me in the pits like I had been for so long..

..Struggling to find that one angle that was going to change it all for me.

..Trying to find that one handicapping factor that would always come through.

All the while missing the whole point.. That if I really knew how to bet.. then making winning plays becomes much easier. For the first time, I felt like I was on my way to becoming a Pro — which had been my dream for a long time. I went from never betting the exotics (much less superfectas) to winning $2800 on my first superfecta bet. I spent about an hour handicapping to find the right races and bets I wanted to make that day.

On my second try at betting the supefecta.. I only won $1100.

I spent about 2 hours handicapping races that day. I wasn’t very familiar with the track, trainers or horses. So I wanted to be extra thorough. But the amazing thing about all this is..

I Hit Superfectas Back To Back On Two Trips In A Row to The Track

The best part was that I felt validated that I really was onto something big here.But before we go any further,

Let’s Cut The Crap And Keep This Grounded In Reality. You’re not STUPID and I’m not either..I don’t hit the superfecta everytime I bet it and you won’t either.But, what I found out with this system was that you can greatly increase the odds of hitting by doing a fewthings the right way. Doing these few little things right is what separates the winners from the losers.I found this out from John. He had been a winner for a long, long time.

Sometimes you can know some of the right things but just not know how to put them together in a winning strategy. I wish I could say that I hit the third superfecta that I bet, but I didn’t. But I can tell you that I have won an enormous amount betting them through the years and so have my close buddies who I have taught the system. I know right now some people might be thinking..

Joey, This Stuff Only Works If You’ve Got A Huge Betting Bank

And you know what? You’re right!Betting Superfectas properly does take a lot of money.. There are so many combinations you have to cover correctly..But the great thing is that everything has changed.For many years, if you wanted to bet like the pro’s, you had to be willing to put up some serious coin.But today, even the smallest weekend player can bet using the exact winning strategies that myself and other winning pro’s use..

This is all because..

The 10 cent Superfecta Makes Betting Superfectas Possible For Everybody!

The 10 Cent Superfecta makes structuring bets affordable.A bet that would have cost hundreds of dollars on a $1 or $2 ticket will only cost 1/10th as much with thenew bet.This opens things up for the everyday bettor to be able to reap the huge upside of superfectas withoutrisking more than they are comfortable with.The number of tracks that have the 10 Cent Superfecta bet is growing all the time and many online sites offerthe bet as well.

The 10 Cent Superfecta and Superfectas in general can change the way you bet forever! Superfectas are the single reason that I was able to quit my ‘JOB’ and become a Pro horseplayer today. And you wanna know something? I’ll never forget that night went I went home and told my wife how the day went. She couldn’t believe how much we pulled in that day ..and I was still in shock too. And I remember the look in her eyes when I told her,

And I meant it then and I still believe it to this day. I was making it too hard for too long before I met John and learned theformula.Think about this.All I really did was come up with a plan, read some racing forms, pick a few horses, insert them into the Formula,and place some bets.I’ll bet that if I added up all the time I actually spent working on structuring my bets, it might come out to 2 hoursof actual ‘work’.And let me ask you a question.

Where Else Can You Trade An Hour Or So Of “Work” For $2800?

Seriously!All I really did was ..read the DRF and pick some horses!And believe it or not, I don’t even go to the track anymore! I only use the internet. No kidding.Oh, and wanna see the special equipment I use?So you can see that you don’t need anything fancy to do this. You just need to know the formula.And I’m going to show it to you.

I know many people get stuck picking horses.. and never get to the betting part..And that’s why this next statement is going to seem really weird.But it needs to be said because I don’t want you to get the wrong idea:

That’s NOT What Winning and the 10 Cent Superfecta System is about!Yes, I know that sounds totally bizarre since I just got finished telling you about me using DRF and picking horses tobet on.

And yes, I know that sounds weird because I just finished showing you how I used The Superfecta System to hit my very firstcouple of Supers I bet.But the bottom line is, The Superfect System Goes Way Beyond Just Picking Horses Hell, if all you want to know about is picking horses — I can recommend some fine books. The 10 Cent Superfecta System is about much, much more.It’s about learning..

How to Make WINNING PLAYS.. Forever

And it’s about making this whole thing happen with some easy handicapping and applying the formula.Actually, now would be a good time for me to show you..

The Superfecta Supersystem is a 95 page manual that explains how to make winning plays using exotic betting strategies and specificallythe 10 Cent Superfecta Bet. You will save the cost of this course just by using the bet structuring tactics inside. You maximizeyour return on investment on every bet.

A Winning Strategy For Betting Superfectas That Won’t Empty Your BankThe Superfecta Formula — The Scientific Formula That You Will Use To Structure Your BetsHandicapping Strategies For Eliminating HorsesBetting Angles To Look For And PlayWinning Plays Verses Picking Winners — How To Do It Right!List Of Websites & Tracks For Betting The 10 Cent SuperfectaResources Section To Go Deeper Into Handicapping And Speed And Pace AnalysisMuch, Much More!

With the 10 Cent Superfecta Supersystem you won’t be betting on every single race. As a matter of fact, you will only bet oncertain races with special circumstances that greatly increase your odds of winning. You’re not going to just be bettingfavorites or longshots.. You will be finding special situations that create value and give you incredible upside.

For The First Time Ever:

I’ll Show You EXACTLY How To Put The PROVEN
Superfecta System To Work For You At The Track!

Obviously, The 10 Cent Superfecta System works. And I believe that if you use just a little bit of it in your betting, you’ll make a lot more money. So if you want to put The 10 Cent Superfecta System to work for you, I’m happy to get you started.


As if The 10 Cent Superfecta System wasn’t enough, I have also decided to include these bonuses if you act now.. TheseBonuses are worth more than the price of the course by themselves.

Bonus #1:
Handicapping Cheatsheets ($27 value)

These Cheatsheets allow you to quickly analyze a race to compare the horses by their Handicapping factors. These sheets make it easy to analyze a race in minutes and not miss important details that could make the difference in your wager.

Bonus #2:
Betting Angles Cheatsheets ($27 value)

These Cheatsheets allow you to quickly pick up on any Betting Angles available in the days races. It is also a great tool to use to keep notes to transfer to your Racing Journal later in the day.

Bonus #3:
Bloodline Quick Reference Chart ($37 value)

The Bloodline quick reference chart is a breakdown of sires from several categories from Speed Sires and more. You can add your own to the list so that you have a quick chart to look at when capping. This is similar to the report that BRISNET charges $99 for.. With the 10 Cent Superfecta Supersystem you get it for FREE.

Bonus #4:
Updates For Life FREE! ($47 value)

This one’s pretty self explanatory.. Any time that the 10 Cent Superfecta Supersystem is revised or updated, you get the updated versions FREE of charge. For Life.

Okay, Okay…So How Much Is It Going To Cost Me
To Get The Superfecta System And Start Cashing Tickets?

Far less than a dinner in a decent restaurant (which you’re going to be BUYING for me one day after you hit your first Super!). The way the world is going, the $19.95 investment in yourself and your betting strategy is probably less than the gas you’d use getting to and from that restaurant or the track!

By signing up today, you’ll receive the entire Superfecta System™ ..for just $19.95

Of course, if you don’t profit and do better using the information you’ll find in the“Superfecta System”then it doesn’t cost you anything. The small $19.95 investment will be completely refunded and the bonus books are yours to keep.
Many Pro Tipsters would rather eat a box full of pencils than offer a guarantee. If you’ve ever tried their stuff then it’s obvious why. Unlike them, I’m extremely excited about offering my two full-month money-back guarantee because I know exactly how powerful these strategies are.

It may be hard to imagine being a consistent winner at the track. It may be nearly impossible to visualize how you’ll feel next week once you’re finally making winning plays. It may seem like a total dream to imagine hitting a big dime superfecta.
All of that was extremely hard for me to imagine after years of suffering through the embarrassing pain and losses at the track again and again. I got tired of losing. I could only imagine being a winner (like some of the guys I KNEW were doing it)..
After this moment you won’t have to “imagine” it.
You won’t have to imagine feeling like you have an edge. You won’t have to imagine being able to go to the track and feel like you are investing — because the suckers go and gamble. You won’t have to imagine finally cashing big tickets.
You’ll be living it. For just $19.95 you’ll finally be on the inside. Isn’t that where you belong?

Get Your Copy of the
10 Cent Superfecta Supersystem
Today For Only $19.95 (one time)


Thanks And Good Luck!
Joey Scags

What Is A 10 Cent Superfecta

P.S. — Just wanted to remind you of everything you are getting by taking advantage of our special offer today:

  • The 10 Cent Superfecta System ($127 Value)
  • The Handicapping Cheatsheets ($27 value)
  • The Betting Angles Cheatsheets ($27 value)
  • The Bloodline Report ($37 value)
  • The Superfecta Calculator ($37 value)
  • Free Updates for LIFE!

P.P.S. Your 100% Money-Back Guarantee means you have absolutely no-risk. If you’re not satisfied with the Superfecta System then you’ve got 60 days to be fully refunded. And the bonus books are yours to keep forever with no obligation.

You get all this (a combined $315 value!) for the special offer price of $19.95. Thats less than one superfecta bet! You’ve got nothing to lose.. And everything to Gain!!! Take advantage of this special offer today.

10 Cent Superfecta Strategy

10 Cent Superfecta Strategy

10 Cent Superfecta Betting Strategy

10 Cent Superfecta Strategy

Click HERE To Get The 10 Cent Superfecta System Right Now!

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